
How To Write Poetry Appreciation

how to write poetry appreciation

20 FREE Writing Prompts for Spring

I'm so excited that we're on the verge of Spring! Such a beautiful time! To celebrate the spring, I have added another 101 seasonal writing prompts for grades 7-10…this time, for spring. And for you, my loyal blog readers, I have included 20 free in this post!

Here is a sampling of 20 spring writing prompts from 101 Writing Prompts for Spring:


Let Them Write Poetry: a Book About the Teaching of Poetry Appreciation Through the Writing of Poetry for the Teachers of Children from Kindergarten Through High School
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Nina Willis Walter
  1. Work at Home Mom's Week is the first week of May. Mothers all over the world have either chosen to work outside the home, work inside the home, or be a stay at home mom and not work. Which is the best choice, in your opinion? Why? Give details and examples to support your response.
  2. March is Women's History Month. Choose an important woman from history and do a research report on her life and accomplishments.
  3. April 7th is World Health Organization Day. What is the World Health Organization and what do they do?
  4. March is Music in Our Schools Month. In many schools, music programs are being cuts as budgets dwindle. Write an argumentative paper on why music programs should not be cut from schools.
  5. Explain and respond to the following quote by Robin Williams: "Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'"
  6. National Defeat Diabetes Month is April. What is diabetes and why are there two different types? Why is diabetes such a dangerous disease?
  7. May is ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease Month. Who was Lou Gehrig and why does he have a disease named after him? What is the disease and how does it manifest itself?
  8. The second Sunday in May is Mothers Day.
    Let Them Write Poetry; a Book About the Teaching of Poetry Appreciation Through the Writing of Poetry for the Teachers of Children From Kindergarten
    Learn more
    nina walter
    Many people have a special person other than a mother that they would like to celebrate. Create a special day for that person who is special to you. Write about why he or she should be celebrated each year.
  9. May is National Hamburger Month. Imagine you have invented a new hamburgerwhat would it have on it? Describe your burger in detail.
  10. You are completing the Spring cleaning your mom is making you do, when you come across a box you have never seen in your basement. You wipe off the thick layer of dust, break open the lock, and open the box. Describe what you see when you open the box.
  11. April is Grilled Cheese Month. Describe in step-by-step format how to make a grilled cheese sandwich.
  12. Spring is a time for rebirth and change. What three things would you most like to change in your life?
  13. Explain and respond to the following quote by Doug Larsen: Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
  14. April is National Poetry Month in the United States. Read, analyze, and interpret Elaine Equis poem National Poetry Month. What is the tone of the poem? What feelings are you left with by reading this poem? Write your own ode to poetry.
  15. The first week of May is Teacher Appreciation Week. Write a letter to a teacher you appreciate, then send it.
  16. Some say that after a rain, a rainbow appears, and at the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold. Pretend that you found the end of a rainbow. Write a story about your adventure to the end of a rainbow, what you saw along the way, and what you found at the end of the rainbow.
  17. April 22 is Earth Day. Write a poem about the earth, saving the planet, going green, endangered species, global warming, or any other topic related to the Earth.
  18. Write a 10-line ode to a chocolate bunny.
  19. Pretend you are an Easter egg about to be colored. How would you want to yourself to be decorated to best illustrate your personality and interests? Be descriptive.
  20. April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Research statistics of drunk driving and the effects of alcohol. Create a campaign informing your classmates.

You can purchase 101 Writing Prompts for Spring, as well as 101 Writing Prompts for Winter, and 101 Writing Prompts for Fall on TPT for just $5 each! (Of course, 101 Writing Prompts for Summer is coming soon!)




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