
Children Who Abuse Children

children who abuse children

4,569 kids hospitalized for abuse, study shows

A new report in the journal Pediatrics — the first to capture the extent of severe U.S. child abuse — reports that 4,569 children were hospitalized because of serious abuse in 2006; 300 of them died.

The hospitalization incidence was highest for children during the first year of life, at 58.2 per 100,000 children. (Higher than the rate of sudden infant death syndrome, which is believed to be about 50 per 100,000 births.)

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Harry Shannon

"Too many children, especially children less than 3 years of age, suffer serious injuries due to child abuse and are admitted to the hospital for the care of these injuries," said John Leventhal, an author of the report and a child abuse specialist at Yale-New Haven Hospital.

The findings bolster anecdotal evidence and an earlier study on abuse that suggest the economic downturn and increased financial strain in families can lead to abuse. The earlier report, published in Pediatrics in September, found that abusive head trauma increased in areas where unemployment spiked.

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The study released this week found that poverty is a major risk factor in severe abuse. Children covered by Medicaid had rates of serious abuse about six times as high as those not on Medicaid.

Leventhal said that authors hope the new data will be a step toward designing better abuse prevention strategies.


Article source: http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/wellness/139062349.html

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