How Do Make My Husband Leave?
how do make my husband leave?
Funny letter from a kid to a soldier in Afghanistan
AStev says:
It's an average kid.
War was just an abstract concept for me at that age, it didn't occur to me that it was real life and death issues. I remember around kindergarten age looking at a magazine talking about WWI and WWII and thinking to myself that I hoped a war would happen in my lifetime.
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By the time the 1st Gulf War started, I was a little more aware of the seriousness of war and I felt a bit guilty, as if my "wish" had made the war happen. During that war, my 1st or 2nd grade teacher had us make cards to send to the troops. Even though I was somewhat more aware of the serious aspect of war by then, I distinctly remember drawing a soldier behind a wall of sandbags, shooting a machine gun. I assume my teacher filtered mine. :)
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