
how do we measure temperature?

Getting To Know The Various Types Of Thermometer

A thermometer is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as an instrument for measuring temperature. It usually consists of a glass bulb attached to a fine tube of glass with a numbered scale and contains a liquid such as mercury or colored alcohol that is sealed in and rises and falls with changes in temperature. It can be used for various purposes and is essential in different fields of studies worldwide. A number of digital types of thermometers are also available for consumers to choose from and choosing the best one from all the different options can be quite difficult but is possible with a few points to remember.

how much protein needed per day

Whey Protein to Build Muscle Fast! ‹ ProteinCo Blog

Posted by Joe A. on 16 Jan 2012 / 0 Comment

When you are looking to build muscle to be bigger and stronger, Whey Protein needs to be an essential part of your training plan. It's very hard to get enough protein from typical foods and the standard "3 meals a day" routine. Smaller, more frequent meals and snacks is the best muscle building strategy. Having readily available whey protein for meal shakes and between meal snacks makes the job of getting enough daily protein much easier.

Joe Arnone is a two time Olympic Trials competitor in cycling. He writes often for ProteinCo


how to create an economy

The Best Companies Create Three Things

What does it take to be considered one of the best companies that people want to work for?  You might think pay, you are wrong. Location, you are wrong, Flex hours,wrong again. So what is it that best companies do to be labeled a better place to work than the competition?

A USAToday article states: "When you inform employees on what you're doing vs. keeping them in the dark, they can understand why you've made the decisions that you've made," says Rob Salmon, NetApp executive vice president of worldwide field operations.

While management attributes such as great communication skills make a big difference, pay factors in as well.


what is tax deferred annuity

Is an annuity right for your retirement?


Dr Dr. Don,
I m 64 nd out f work. I h a mortgage nd a small amount f money n n individual retirement account. I want t keep mt f th money n m IRA, bt m adviser suggests I l $10,000 nt n annuity wth a rtn company. Wht advice n give m, mt f th articles I read t stay away frm annuities? I rkn t mght b a llnt thght n m situation.
– Cathy Compounds

kurdish social customs



Kurdish Authorities Confident About Region's Oil Sector

ERBIL, Iraqi Kurdistan – Over the past several years, the right to manage oil and gas deals has been a major dispute between Baghdad and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region which aspires to become a major global energy source with its massive oil and gas fields.

Because Iraqi officials and political observers believe oil and gas development in Iraqi Kurdistan may in the end prompt a demand for an independent state, Baghdad's reservations about Kurdistan's oil industry has political dimensions. This became clear when ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil company, signed a contract with the Kurdistan Region.

Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani said during a recent visit to Duhok province, "I have not met with any oil companies before, except Exxon Mobil and that is because I know the importance of its investment in the Kurdistan Region. Therefore I support them to come and invest in the fields of gas and oil in Kurdistan Region."


the tribute money

Paterno Tribute Video Raises Money For THON

With Joe Paterno's passing has come a truly astounding amount of words, images, and videos honoring a man that certainly deserved such a goodbye. One Penn State alum, with a little help from his friends, has found a way to honor JoePa while helping THON at the same time.

Ralph Vuono, a 2001 graduate, made this tribute video on Saturday evening following reports of Joe's serious health condition in hopes of honoring the legendary coach. After the video's view count began to rise, Vuono found an opportunity to raise money for THON. The video's description is as follows:

We are putting the tribute video to good use. A group of PSU Alumni, friends and family have agreed to make a donation to THON in honor of Joe Paterno for every 1000 views. Please re-post and share!